11 Nov, 2019
Intellectual Charity

Intellectual charity is a new and effective approach in helping children who were stocked in difficult life circumstances. This is not about sweets, toys and tangerines for the New Year. This is a systematic approach, a kind of mentoring, when adults give the children their time, skills and abilities. These are regular meetings with kids in special institutions. Meetings with content, when children are taught something new, when they’re given the opportunity to gain knowledge.

More and more people are joining the lives of children who were not desired by their parents. That’s why for a long time the volunteers come to our kids with master classes, art therapy lessons, and classes in learning English.

And now, thanks to the Freedom Finance Ukraine social project “Chess of Good”, a professional trainer comes to our children to teach them how to play chess. Munchkins are simply delighted with classes, each time demonstrate success and new skills, develop and can compete in intellectual sports.

The project has been going on for a month and there are 2 months ahead of trainings ❤

We are happy that our Helping Centre has become a part of the enormous Freedom Finance Ukraine good deed!

We really appreciate that you pay your precious time and attention!

A wonderful article from bit.ua at https://bit.ua/2019/10/shahy-dobra/

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