8 Jun, 2018
Our Dasha Is the Champion!

It’s a story about the dreams’ realization, about little girl and angel that was on her way.

For those who don’t know – this is Dasha on the photo. Dasha is 11, she’s loyal in studying, likes to read and thinks as an adult. Living wisdom came to the baby from not a good life, but it made her different from the others. Dasha came in our Centre not so long ago, but she has become a part of our big family. In the Centre the girl has got the chance to know how it’s to be a child, to play around, to live in a comfort timetable. Everything works out from Dasha! But there’s a thing that she likes the most – sport, running and jumping. Here’s angel Lilia Kuznetsova who has come in her life and she saw, thanks to her sport past and great experience, the huge sport talent. Lilia took Dasha to Track-and-field Athletics Hall of the Kyiv Athletics Federation and introduced her to the top trainers, who’s confirmed her thoughts. Everybody got together and said that Dasha would have a star future, if she will train hard.

A day before yesterday Dasha hasn’t  dreamt about the cherished number on the chest, where she will be number 85 and take part in the competition. But there are supporting adults who believe in her. And yesterday Dasha took part in the first group competition race of 60 meters.

She enjoyed the atmosphere on Track-and-field, also, the girl noticed that she must train more for being with other little sportsmen, who have been training for more than 5 years, on the same level.

This is our Dasha – clever, willing and very bright and we believe that whether the way that she will choose in the future, it will be happy and vivid! And what’s the most important  –  her angel Lilia will be near and support her!