1. To have always had good mood, learn to control themselves. Do not be offended over nothing, try not to quarrel with the people you love, forgive them. Forgiving, you ryatuyetesya of anger and vengeful feelings that destroy especially yourself.
2. Try to look at the world with humor. Even if you are offended or you are in a difficult situation, you still smile and say to myself, “This too will pass!”
3. Do not sit at home, resenting the world! Make no mistake: on the street, in the company of friends and acquaintances bad mood does not happen. Proved!
4. Enter in your life novelty items. Psychologists recommend occasionally resistant to change habits – for example, to start a new hobby or change the style of clothing. Pick a new wardrobe. Nothing acts as a positive mood, as the attention of others.
5. Learn to relax. When doing some boring job, think of something pleasant. For example, about the upcoming meeting with friends or a loved one. And think about this miracle as oil burner. Essential oils have a positive effect on mood and state of mind: tangerine, orange, lemon, grapefruit and bergamot.
6. Take swimming. Water helps the body relax, improving tone and mood. In addition, the possibility of accident or injury at sea is minimal, unlike many other sports.
7. Stop, look … Sometimes people find themselves trapped simply because they do not find time to think in the right direction they are moving. It should be on time make order in thought, purpose, relationships, just as you do regular cleaning of the room.
8. Treat your life easier. In life there is always the feat, but he needs not always. Try to focus on what you do for the moment. Often it is conducive to success. Rejoice even small successes and small achievement.
9. Keep a sense of perspective. Life is movement, and what now seems a tragedy, perhaps tomorrow will smile. No wonder they say – “morning is wiser than the evening.”
10. If you want to lie in bed and pohandrit better not to be led by this desire, it usually draws funnel in disbelief. Move – and your emotions also become more mobile. Look at the film, make cleaning.
And do not forget – the smile attracts happiness!