20 Feb, 2018
New Centre’s Star

Let me introduce you Misha. It’s our new boy from the 3rd group. He’s come to us not long ago, but he’s got a pretty big fan club with his true fans.

At first glance, Mihail is very sad, but it’s not surprising, because our kids come to us from the hard conditions.

After several weeks in the Centre, the eductors began to admit Misha’s will for studying. And exactly – to read and get something new is his new main task. And when the boy had gone to school, he, with such a great responsibility, began to do all his homework.

In his free time Misha likes to play some board games, where it’s necessary to think, he’s interested in football and now he knows what he wants to do in the future – to be a real chef and to play football.

Misha’s got a lot of friends, because he’s very frank, and we know, as a secret, that he’s also a great heartbreaker.

Such a wonderful boy lives in the City of happy children.