28 Oct, 2015

At the smallest age at the child it is developed such necessary and basic is a trust to the inner and outside world. Existence of feeling of trust is a basis of formation of positive feeling. The child learns, whether he can rely on adults, whether they are capable to care of him. The trust to the world has impact on inquisitiveness and activity of the child, his sympathy and interest in other people. Trusting, the child is capable to be on friendly terms and feel love, and in the future will be ready to enter the cordial relations with other people based on love and care. During daily interaction with tutors of the Center the child finds confidence in the necessity. Each tutor of the Center is a teacher, the psychologist and just a friend for the child who on a small drop shows every day that life is fine, despite everything. After all all children who live in the Center are children who endured violence, a grief, loss of parents.… It is possible to look at our team in the section /photo/pro-nas/nasha-komanda.html. These are people who prove every day that other people’s children don’t happen.

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